Frequently Asked Questions
To view an answer, please select/click on the question.
- What will it look like to be a successful online student?
- What are the habits of a successful online student?
- Can families travel while students keep up with school?
- What does the day look for my student?
- Is the schedule flexible?
- Will students be able to interact online?
- What counts as attendance?
- What if my child misses a class?
- How do I register for Medford Online Academy?
- How do I see my schedule?
- What courses will be offered?
- Will the courses they take be similar to their home school?
- Can students participate in extracurricular activities?
- What about ELL, SPED, and Talented and Gifted students?
- How will my student take State Required Tests?
- What are my (parent/guardian) responsibilities as a Learning Coach?
- Will my student need school supplies?
- What if we do not have internet access?
- Will the school provide a computer if needed?
- What technology is required?
- Is my student recorded?
- Is MOA a public school or private/for profit school?
- Does MOA have a dual language program available?
- Can my student participate in sports, band, orchestra, speech and debate, leadership, or electives courses?
- What do I do if I need to transition back to my neighborhood school for in person instruction?